Genesis 24 - Steve Wiggins Daily Devotional

“The servant said to him, ‘Suppose the woman is unwilling to follow me to this land? Should I have your son go back to the land he came from?’ Abraham answered him, ‘Make sure that you don’t take my son back there. The L_rd, the G_d of Heaven, who took me from my father’s house and my native land, who spoke to me and swore to me, ‘I will give this land to your offspring’- He will send His angel before you and you can take a wife for my son from there.’” Genesis 24:2-6

Some scholars suggest the story of finding Isaac’s wife is a multi-faceted metaphor. In one sense, it is an historical account. It also presents an image of G_d’s Ruach (Spirit) searching out the bride of Messiah. (the greater Messianic community) From yet another angle, it is practical advice for anyone desperately seeking a marriage partner.

Abraham knew G_d’s promise fully rested in Isaac’s offspring. (Sarah was dead, and the promise was through her womb) He sent his servant Eliezer to find a wife for the unmarried Isaac. Eliezer had strict orders to 1) Trust in the L_rd’s leading, and 2) Never take Isaac back to the land of Abraham’s forefathers.

In Hebrew, “Eliezer” means: “God was my help”. In this way, Eliezer is considered to be symbolic of G_d’s Ruach (Spirit), whom Yeshua promised as a helper and comforter for His bride, the greater Messianic community.

In a similar way, God’s Ruach searches the earth for those willing to accept G_d’s invitation of spiritual “marriage” to Yeshua. The resurrected and glorified Messiah awaits the day when His bride (the greater Messianic community) will be raptured and united with Him.

I have heard people say that G_d does not care who you marry, as long as you both love the L_rd. I disagree. Not only is that about the most unromantic thing I’ve ever heard, but it is bad theology. The Bible recounts several episodes where G_d prepared specific people to be wed to each other. G_d prepared Eve for Adam and brought her to him. And in today’s chapter, He is directing Eliezer specifically to Rebecca.

Furthermore, Yeshua (the Bridegroom) personally died for your sin. That means specific combinations of husbands & wives are woven throughout time, just to make YOU, for whom Yeshua died personally. Whenever you marry, you will probably have children, whom Yeshua also died for, personally. Of course, it matters who you marry! G_d is very concerned with whom you choose for a mate.

Whatever you do, don’t go back to Worldly relationships. Trust G_d! Wait on His Ruach to bring you the one G_d has chosen. But, what happens if you feel you have chosen wrongly? Trust G_d! He can redeem any situation for His glory: Romans 8:28.

~Steve Wiggins, Associate Leader, Worship Leader
Shuvah Yisrael
Daily Devotional, Monday, February 3, 2014